7 Methods for Strong Recovery After Your Pickleball Games

7 Methods for Strong Recovery After Your Pickleball Games

Playing pickleball is fun and energizing, but it can also take a toll on your body. You need effective ways to bounce back after each game. In this guide, we’ll explore some techniques you can employ to stay fit and active. You’ll learn about quick and simple methods to ease muscle soreness and help you get back on the pickleball court faster and stronger after an injury.

How to Start Your Post-Dink Skill-Building Recovery

After a game of pickleball, your body needs to heal and get ready for the next match. Understanding how your body recovers can help you stay active and improve your game.

Recovery Mechanics

When you play pickleball, your muscles work hard, causing tiny tears in the muscle fibers that need time to heal. Your body sends blood and nutrients to the affected areas to repair them. This recovery process makes your muscles stronger over time. During recovery, you might feel different symptoms. Here are five common ones:

  • Soreness: Your muscles might feel sore. This is a normal part of healing and usually peaks 24 to 48 hours after activity.
  • Stiffness: You may find it difficult to move certain parts of your body. This stiffness can last for a few days as your muscles heal.
  • Swelling: Some areas might swell due to increased blood flow and fluid in the tissues. 
  • Weakness: Muscle repair may often lead to a feeling of weakness or dizziness.
  • Fatigue: Feeling tired is common, as your body uses energy to fix the muscle fibers.

Recovery can take a few days to a week, depending on how intense the game was and how well you care for yourself. Proper muscle recovery techniques can help shorten this time and get you back on the court faster. Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs.

7 Ways to Get You Back on the Court

Natural home treatments can help you feel better and get back to your game. Here are seven simple methods to try:

Rest and Relaxation

Give your body a break. Resting helps heal sore muscles and prevents further injury. When you rest, your body has the chance to repair the tiny tears in your muscles that occur during play. This helps your muscles recover and improves your overall well-being. Aim for at least one full day of rest per week, especially after intense games or tournaments.

CBD Balms

CBD balms can soothe sore areas and reduce swelling. Rub a small amount on your joints or muscles. Many players find relief using CBD products because they target inflammation directly. CBD works with your body’s endocannabinoid system to control pain and swelling. CBD balm can help you feel relief in specific areas without the side effects of oral pain pills. Look for high-quality balms with natural ingredients for the best results.


Ice packs can help with swelling and pain. Apply ice to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes. This helps reduce inflammation and numbs the pain, making it easier to move and stretch. Use a thin cloth to protect your skin from direct contact with the ice. Repeat this process every two to three hours during the first 48 hours after an injury. Ice baths are another option for reducing soreness after a tough game. Soaking your legs in cold water can ease muscle fatigue and speed up healing.


Using compression sleeves or wraps can support your muscles and reduce swelling by improving blood flow and limiting the buildup of fluid. It also gives light pressure to support injuries and prevent more strain. You can find compression garments for legs, arms, and torso. Wearing them during and after physical activity can enhance performance and recovery.


Raise the injured area above your heart. Elevation helps decrease swelling by allowing fluids to drain away. Use pillows to prop up your legs or arms while you rest. They’re especially good for ankle or knee injuries. Elevating the injured area can reduce throbbing and discomfort. Keep the injured part raised for at least 30 minutes at a time, several times a day, especially in the first few days.

Quick-Dry Sprays

Quick-dry sprays can be applied on sore spots for quick, on-the-go relief without any sticky residue. These sprays are useful for quick treatment during a break or right after a game. They often contain menthol or arnica to cool and reduce pain.

Greaseless Lotions

Greaseless lotions provide relief without the mess. They absorb quickly and don’t leave your skin feeling oily. Use these lotions several times a day to keep muscles healthy and ease tension between games. They’re perfect for frequent use, especially if you have sensitive skin or prefer a non-greasy feel.

How You Can Work to Prevent Muscle Strains and Improve Overall Recovery


Regular workouts build strength and endurance. Stick to a routine to keep your muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back strong. Consistent exercise helps prevent common injuries by keeping your body in top shape.


Writing down what you do each day helps create strong habits and lets you see your progress. Journaling can reveal patterns, helping you avoid overuse and adjust your recovery routine.

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Always warm up before exercises and cool down after. Spend at least 10 minutes on light activities like lunges, walking, or stretching to get your blood flowing and prepare your body. Cooling down helps your body return to a resting state and reduces soreness.


Regular stretching keeps you flexible. Focus on major muscle groups and hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Stretching can prevent stiffness and improve your range of motion.

Proper Technique

Use the right techniques to avoid injury. Learn how to perform exercises correctly. This is key for preventing strains and getting the most from your workouts. If you’re unsure, consider consulting a physical therapist.

Hydration and Nutrition

Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water to keep your muscles working well. Proper nutrition fuels your body and helps with muscle repair. Include proteins, vitamins, and minerals in your diet to support overall health.

How Physik Can Help Boost Your Recovery Today

Taking care of yourself lets you keep playing without getting sidelined by injuries. Adopting good habits now will help you stay active and strong for the long haul.

You can boost your recovery with Physik’s products. Try our CBD balms, quick-dry sprays, and greaseless lotions. Visit our product page and see how we can help you stay in the game. 

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